
Parkside School



Here at Parkside school we are committed to a whole school approach regarding mental health and wellbeing.  Parkside is not only committed to getting the best for our students academically, but also ensuring they are supported emotionally during their time with us.


A graduated approach to meeting the needs for all learners is in place via our Parkside Pathway. The Pathway is our ‘front door’ for children and young people who are experiencing emerging barriers to their education including possible cognition and learning difficulties, communication and interaction concerns and those with social, emotional and mental health needs.


Any child or young person experiencing mental health, emotional wellbeing or environmental issues, are/can be referred into the Pathway in order for them to access support which ultimately is aimed at supporting them to thrive in the school environment and the wider community.


The Parkside Pathway team involves key members of staff from our SEND department, our Safeguarding team, our Wellbeing practitioners and our Pastoral team.  We work with a number of external agencies from the voluntary sector and the Local Authority including Barnardo’s, the Mental Health Support Team, Project 6, the Youth Service and the James Project, alongside other partners. These agencies offer therapeutic group work and one to one counselling sessions for both our SEND students and students in crisis. Students can also access a range of social prescribing activities and after school clubs both in school and in the wider community.


Remember if you have particular concerns you can contact the school office, your child’s progress leader, student support leader, form tutor, or any other member of staff.
