
Parkside School



Our aim is to inspire students to become global citizens by exploring and understanding the geography around them. 

 Mrs Rushworth

Head of Faculty

 Mr  Winterburn

Curriculum Lead

Mrs Duncan


Mr Needham



Parkside Geographers learn about different human and physical processes that take place within the world. They will investigate the effects of these processes on humans and the environment, and analyse the effectiveness of the responses that have been implemented.  

Curriculum Plans


Year 7, 8 & 9

What are we studying?

See curriculum plan above. 

How are we assessed?

 Questioning students during class activities to check knowledge, understanding and skills.

 A variety of Assessment for Learning tasks including marked written questions with time for   students to response to feedback.

 Plenary activities.

 Homework tasks.

 End of topic assessments.

What can parents do to help?

 Taking an active interest in the areas of study.

 Checking son's/daughter's exercise book.

 Watching geographical television programmes and films with your son /daughter.

 Encouraging your son's/daughter's to read books, newspapers or internet articles relevant to the   area of study.

 Helping your son's/daughter's to prepare for tests and to complete home learning tasks on time.

Where can this subject take you? Career opportunities

 Diverse and wide range of options for further education and career path.

 Transferable skills e.g. written, communication, analysis, evaluation, use of data, team work.

 Detailed career links found below:




Year 10 & 11

What are we studying?

See curriculum plan above. 

How are we assessed?

Questioning students during class activities to check knowledge, understanding and skills.

A variety of Assessment for Learning tasks including marked written questions with time for students to response to feedback.

Plenary activities.

Homework tasks.

End of topic assessments.


GCSE Exams

Paper 1: Living with the physical environment - 35% of GCSE

 ·Section A: The natural challenge of natural hazards.

·Section B: physical landscapes in the UK.

·Section C: the living world.

·Geographical skills.


Paper 2: Challenges in the human environment—35% of GCSE

·Section A: Urban issues and challenges.

·Section B: The changing economic world.

·Section C: The challenge of resource management.

·Geographical skills.


Paper 3: Geographical Applications – 30% of GCSE

76 marks (including 6 marks for spelling, punctuation, grammar and specialist terminology).

What can parents do to help? 

 Taking an active interest in the areas of study.

 Checking son's/daughter's exercise book.

 Watching geographical television programmes and films with your son /daughter.

 Encouraging your son's/daughter's to read books, newspapers or internet articles relevant to the   area of study.

 Helping your son's/daughter's to prepare for tests and to complete home learning tasks on time.

Where can this subject take you? Career opportunities

Diverse and wide range of options for further education and career path.

Transferable skills e.g. written, communication, analysis, evaluation, use of data, team work.

Detailed career links found below:




Year 12 & 13

What are we studying?

 See curriculum plan above.

How are we assessed?

Questioning students during class activities to check knowledge, understanding and skills.

A variety of Assessment for Learning tasks including marked written questions with time for students to response to feedback.

Plenary activities.

Homework tasks.

End of topic assessments.

A-Level Exams:

Component 1: Physical geography

  • Section A: Water and carbon cycles
  • Section B: Coastal systems and landscapes
  • Section C: Hazards
  • Written exam: 2 hours 30 minutes
  • 120 marks
  • 40% of A-level


Component 2: Human geography

  • Section A: Global systems and global governance
  • Section B: Changing places
  • Section C: Population and the environment
  • Written exam: 2 hours 30 minutes
  • 120 marks
  • 40% of A-level


Component 3: Geography Fieldwork investigation

Students complete an individual investigation which must include data collected in the field. The individual investigation must be based on a question or issue defined and developed by the student relating to any part of the specification content.

  • 3,000 – 4,000 words
  • 60 marks
  • 20% of A-level
  • marked by teachers
  • moderated by AQA

What can parents do to help?

 Taking an active interest in the areas of study.

 Checking son's/daughter's exercise book.

 Watching geographical television programmes and films with your son /daughter.

 Encouraging your son's/daughter's to read books, newspapers or internet articles relevant to the   area of study.

 Helping your son's/daughter's to prepare for tests and to complete home learning tasks on time. 

Where can this subject take you? Career opportunities

Diverse and wide range of options for further education and career path.

Transferable skills e.g. written, communication, analysis, evaluation, use of data, team work.

Detailed career links found below:




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