Faculties and Subjects
Our subjects sit within one of our 8 faculties.
Meet our Heads of Faculty
Ms McQuaidApplied Studies
Ms McQuaid
Mrs StoneArts & Technology
Mrs Stone
Ms NapierEnglish
Ms Napier
Mrs RushworthHumanities
Mrs Rushworth
Mr ShepherdMaths
Mr Shepherd
Miss NaylorModern Foreign Languages (MFL)
Miss Naylor
Mr MillerPE & Dance
Mr Miller
Dr HeatonScience
Dr Heaton
If you need to contact a specific subject teacher please contact them either via the Head of Faculty or via the EduLink app.
Applied Studies
Business - Computer Science - Creative iMedia - Health & Social - Psychology - Sociology
We understand that businesses are at the heart of the economy and this course is an ideal foundation for students to gain a theoretical background reinforced with practical skills that can be transferred into the workplace.
Computer Science
Computer Science
Our aim through Computer Science and ICT is to equip every student with the skills they need to survive in an ever-increasing digital world while allowing leaners to develop their computational thinking skills to support learning and progress across all subjects.
Creative iMedia
Creative iMedia
The Cambridge National in Creative iMedia equips students with the wide range of knowledge and skills needed to work in the creative digital media sector: This subject will enable learners to understand pre-production skills used in the creative and digital media sector.
UK’s Creative Industries contributes almost £13 million to the UK economy every hour!
Health and Social Care
Health and Social Care
The health and social care sector employs vast numbers of people across the country, within a varied range of job roles. In fact, it’s the biggest employment sector in the UK and includes elements of the NHS, local authority adult and child care services, and a range of independent providers that provide care in a range of settings.
Our aim is to develop young psychologists who are creative and critical thinkers. Young psychologists who will challenge accepted views of human behaviour and who can design and carry out investigations which provide insight into the human mind and behaviour and solutions to social problems.
Our aim is to inspire students to reflect upon the world we live in, fostering an understanding of the inter-relationships between individuals, groups, institutions and societies. It enables students to develop critical thinking and appreciate theoretical and conceptual issues.
Arts & Technology
Art - Design Technology - Engineering - Film Studies - Food - Music - Photography - Textiles
Art & Design
Art & Design
Design Technology
Our aim is to enable our students to be able to problem solve confidently. Using maths and sciences to develop existing designs to solve every day problems. Students learn how to design and communicate their designs, they will learn the design process along with engineer’s drawings and what’s involved within industry.
Film Studies
Film Studies
Official 2021 BFI statistics reveal a record £5.64 billion film and high-end TV production spend in the UK. The statistics also show that UK cinemas are building back audiences, with 74 million admissions and £602 million box office after months of closure in 2021!
Food Studies
Food Studies
In 2020 figures show that the food and drink manufacturing contributed £28bn to the UK economy, growing by 2.3% on the previous year. The industry has a turnover of more than £105bn, accounting for 20% of total UK manufacturing as the biggest manufacturing sector in the country.
Isn’t it interesting how hearing a particular song can bring back a special memory or make you feel happy or calm or pumped up? People are born with the ability to tell the difference between music and noise. Our brains actually have different pathways for processing different parts of music including pitch, melody, rhythm, and tempo. And, fast music can actually increase your heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure, while slower music tends to have the opposite effect.
Our aim is to introduce students to different shooting and editing processes, to create personal responses to their chosen themes and their intentions linking to their research and digital portfolio.
Through its Textiles Curriculum Parkside aims to develop a passion and excitement in students for textiles through experience of a rich variety of materials and techniques.
Drama - English - Law
Fun Fact ... Shakespeare's Globe is the only building in London allowed to have a thatched roof since the Great Fire in 1666
In English students study a variety of the most engaging texts from English Literature. We cover a broad range of poems, novels, plays, articles and speeches.
At Parkside we offer an AQA Law A Level. Students will develop their understanding of several branches of law and build an appreciation of the complexities of our judicial system.
Geography - History - PSHCE - Religious Studies
Our aim is to inspire students to become global citizens by exploring and understanding the geography around them.
Religious Studies
Religious Studies
Religious Studies asks and provokes challenging questions about meaning and purpose of life, questions about faith and ultimate reality, issues of right and wrong and what it means to be human.
Mathematics allows us to describe the world and its processes using Number, Algebra, Data or Shape. At Parkside school, we are looking to develop flexible skills which can be transferred to suit future careers and learning.
Modern Foreign Languages
French - Spanish
Our aim is for every student to be a global citizen, improving our students’ literacy, cultural capital so our students appreciate and are aware of other cultures youth, opportunities and learning experiences.
Our aim is for every student to be a global citizen, improving our students’ literacy, cultural capital so our students appreciate and are aware of other cultures youth, opportunities and learning experiences.
PE & Performing Arts
Performing Arts (dance/drama) - PE (core) - PE (examination) - Photo Gallery
Performing Arts
Performing Arts
Through our Performing Arts lessons, we are aiming for our students to show resilience and courage, with their wellbeing at the centre of everything we do. We want our Dance/Drama students to become resilient, independent and successful learners, improve their understanding of subject knowledge and apply the PRIDE values in everything they do.
P E (core)
P E (core)
PE & Dance lessons at Parkside are fun, engaging and challenging. A fantastic way to improve your leadership skills, social skills and mental health, through leading peers, making friends and relieving stress. We aim to instil a love for sport and provide opportunities for all students to participate in a range of different activities.
P E (examination)
P E (examination)
Through our examination PE lessons, we are aiming for our students to show resilience and courage, with their wellbeing at the centre of everything we do. We want our PE students to become resilient, independent and successful learners, improve their understanding of subject knowledge and apply the PRIDE values in everything they do.
Photo Gallery
Photo Gallery
Science is important in helping us understand the world around us through experimentation and observations. It underpins the development of new technologies which can improve our lives and also teaches us how to problem solve and generate solutions.